By Ohana Behavioral Health Team

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, focusing on the vital issue of maternal (and paternal) mental health. This month encourages us to contemplate the impact of pregnancy and infant loss while promoting support and understanding.

Understanding the Pain: Pregnancy and infant loss brings profound physical, emotional, and psychological pain to individuals and families. Recognizing this pain is crucial for empathizing with those affected.

Breaking the Silence: Historically, pregnancy and infant loss have been shrouded in silence and stigma. Awareness Month urges open conversations to reduce the isolation experienced by those who have endured such losses.

Education and Awareness: During this month, educational efforts thrive, offering workshops, seminars, and online resources. These tools aid in comprehending the emotional challenges that families grappling with loss face. They are valuable for healthcare professionals and the general public alike.

Building Support Networks: Establishing and reinforcing support networks is essential for individuals and families navigating pregnancy and infant loss. These networks foster a sense of community and understanding.

Research and Advocacy: Pregnancy and infant loss awareness can stimulate research and advocacy, ultimately enhancing understanding and improving maternal and paternal, and infant health outcomes.

Promoting Mental Health: This month underscores the significance of mental health support for those dealing with pregnancy and infant loss. Specialized professionals, such as mental health counselors and therapists, play a vital role in providing this support.

Continued Learning: Awareness should extend beyond a single month, fostering ongoing education and conversations about pregnancy and infant loss throughout the year.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month encourages us to acknowledge the pain and translate that recognition into action. By nurturing understanding, empathy, education, and support, we can create a more compassionate and informed society that stands in solidarity with those who have faced these losses.

You Are Not Alone

At Ohana Behavioral Health, we extend our support to parents, partners, and loved ones, recognizing that healing is a collective journey. We are here to offer compassionate care and guidance to navigate the challenges of pregnancy and infant loss. We believe in the power of healing, and our maternal (and paternal) mental health program is designed to assist you on your path toward recovery and hope.

If you or someone you know requires support during this challenging time, please do not hesitate to contact us at Ohana Behavioral Health. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in finding healing, hope, and a way forward. Together, we can honor the losses of the past while looking ahead to a brighter future.