By: Daisy Surjo Vergara, LMHC, RPT-S

As we celebrate and honor Women’s History Month, let’s acknowledge the strong link between women’s history and mental health. Women throughout history have faced unique challenges and societal pressures, often harming their mental well-being. This month reminds us of their resilience, strength, and the importance of prioritizing women’s mental health.

From the day they fought for their right to vote, women have continuously sought recognition and equality. However, obstacles like prejudice, societal stigmas, and structural impediments persist. Additionally, cultural norms and expectations can pressure women to balance multiple tasks, including nurturing, breadwinning, and caregiving.

Additionally, traumatic events, like sexual assault or domestic abuse, can exacerbate mental health issues. Furthermore, women’s mental health is intricately connected to reproductive health, such as menopause, childbirth, and pregnancy. Many women experience perinatal mental health problems, such as postpartum depression, anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, among other mental health issues that come with this critical period, highlighting the need for more support during this delicate period.

As a founder of Ohana Behavioral Health, a Mental Health provider, and a mother, it is crucial for me to amplify women’s voices and advocate for their mental health during Women’s History Month. Reflecting on my own experiences, I  recognize the significance of advocating for and supporting others during difficult periods. My commitment to offering empathetic care to women confronting similar challenges has deepened my understanding through firsthand experiences.

Moreover, by increasing economic, political, and social empowerment can benefit women’s mental health. Addressing systemic disparities and fostering gender equity can promote women’s mental and emotional well-being.

Let’s prioritize women’s mental health as we celebrate their accomplishments. With Ohana Behavioral Health and our commitment to empowering women, we can create a future where every woman feels appreciated and encouraged to live her best life.