Hope and Healing

Therapy for Children, Teens, Adults, Couples, and Families in Renton, WA


Ohana Behavioral Health child therapy

The perfect family doesn’t exist.

Maintaining strong and loving relationships with your family isn’t always easy. In fact, it can be downright frustrating.

“My child just doesn’t want to listen, and I’m at a loss about what to do.”

“How do I build a stronger connection with my family? I try, but we don’t make time for each other – and they don’t care.”

We can’t walk away from them. We can’t magically fix them. What do we do?

Ohana Behavioral Health therapy

Why struggle with what isn’t working?

Familiarity is comforting. It frees us from the unknown that causes anxiety.

The comfort and our fear of the unfamiliar keeps us stuck in patterns and behaviors that get us nowhere.

But life can be better.

Learn new ways to build stronger connections with family. Get to the bottom of what’s causing your child’s unhappiness.

Fulfill your potential in life. Help is here for you.

Welcome to Ohana Behavioral Health.

Just as the word “Ohana,” which means family, at Ohana Behavioral Health, we strive to meet your and your family’s needs and look at everyone from a holistic point of view.

We are a multi-specialty group of therapists and provide counseling services for children, teens, adults, couples, and families.

With a warm and collaborative approach, we help you get unstuck, and move toward self-growth, and an overall sense of well-being.

Our Mission is to empower individuals in our communities to reconnect with the things that are truly important and thrive, both in their personal lives and in their relationships.

More About Us

Let Ohana Behavioral Health help you instill hope and heal from your pain.

Discover your best life.

Don’t let not knowing what to do become the excuse for not living the life you want. You don’t have to overcome the struggles alone.

Give us a call, and we can help you find the best fit for your need.

Let’s Talk